Sunday, September 29, 2013

Yuri's Birthday

Sooo excited to celebrate Yuri's birthday! Yuri wanted to stay home, eat Soymilk Hotpot(豆乳鍋), and watch her favorite movie ET together. And Aki and mama get to sleep over at her house!

Milo is giving Yuri a happy birthday kisses

Mama made a tofu chocolate pie for Yuri(and her baby inside). It turned out to be a bit too rich for a preggy lady and toddlers, but they were too nice to let it pass... it became the very first introduction of chocolate to Aki and Milo... They seemed to like alright.

Happy Birthday Yuri!

This is our version of Peace sign.

The cutest little beings changed in the cutest pajamas!

We are ready to watch ET! Nice'n cozy

We couldn't finish watching ET last night and went to bed. In the next morning, the first thing on Aki's mind was to play with Milo's awesome train set.

They shared pretty well compared to the past and had lots of fun!

these little people are non stop and ready to move onto the next activity, clay making!

Made with flour, water, salt, cream of tartar, food coloring, and oil.

So much fun!

It's been a while for Milo and Aki to play together alone like this because we don't do baby sit exchanges at each other's houses since their school started. We kind of missed that time...

Nice to be here

Our visit was over all relaxing and intimate.
We had a great time!
Thanks for letting us celebrate your special day, Yuri.

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